June 10th, 2009 - The longest day of my life - Reisverslag uit New York, Verenigde Staten van Pieter Konings - WaarBenJij.nu June 10th, 2009 - The longest day of my life - Reisverslag uit New York, Verenigde Staten van Pieter Konings - WaarBenJij.nu

June 10th, 2009 - The longest day of my life

Door: Pieter

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Pieter

11 Juni 2009 | Verenigde Staten, New York

Fortunately it was only the longest day of my life because of the time difference between Maastricht and New York. Having to wake up at 4.30 in the morning made it even worse.. The trip went very smoothly, nothing worth mentioning. New York was not as impressive as I'd expected, especially the "skyscrapers" were a bit disappointing, maybe I was just too tired to realise how big they were, but to me they seemed just normal flats slightly above the average height. The American people were as I expected, almost all of them very big (either by eating too much or going to the gym too much) and with a very fake kind of politeness, a little distant. The cars they drive in were more impressive though, so many big and expensive cars! On the first day I've walked through most of Manhattan's uptown and midtown even though I reached Times Square only around 15:45. For those not familiar with New York, uptown and midtown includes: Greenwich Village, Chrysler Building, Empire State Building, Times Square, Grand Central, United Nations Headquarters, Top of the Rock/Rockefeller Center, St Patrick's Cathedral and Central Park, or at least those are the places I've visited (and a few more that I've forgotten).

I stay in the YMCA hostel in Flushing, Queens, it's about 50 minutes away from Manhattan, but it's close to the airport from where I'm leaving New York (La Guardia) and it's very cheap ($45 per night). The room is ok, not too clean, but not too dirty either and the employees are quite friendly.

Ehm, I guess that's it for now, I'm going to sleep now, I hope to be able to put some photos online soon as well, but that's gonna take a bit more time. Today I'll be in downtown Manhattan, the financial district, Statue of Liberty etc.

Oh, bedankt iedereen voor jullie berichten, dat wordt zeer gewaardeerd. @Emmanuel: adios!

  • 11 Juni 2009 - 12:18

    Your Mother :

    Misschien lijken ze vandaag dan wat hoger, de wolkenkrabbers, na een goeie(?)nacht...
    Wat heb je al veel gezien!

  • 11 Juni 2009 - 15:19


    Oh wat heerlijk al die verhalen! Wat lijkt het mij indrukwekkend om die dingen te zien recht voor je neus, ook al heb je er door je moeheid misschien niet optimaal van kunnen genieten. hopelijk heb je achteraf wel een goede terugblik als je in guatemala bent.

  • 12 Juni 2009 - 13:25


    Oók naar St Patricks! Brave petezoon!
    Tis leuk je voetstappen te volgen via googlemaps, al kost het wat moeite vanuit de sateliet tussen die hoge gebouwen door naar de grond te kijken. Maar ik meende even je te zien lopen!
    Geniet ervan!

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Verslag uit: Verenigde Staten, New York


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